Friday, May 6, 2011


1.The impulse responce of a system is
h(n)={0,1,0.5,0,125,---}.then the response of the
system for the unit step i/p is _________ .
2.The impulse responce of the discrete time
systemdescribed by y(n)=1/2
  +2 x(n) + x(n-2) + 2 x(n-3) + 1/2
x(n-4)is___________ .
3.helbert transform of a unit impulse function
is________ .
4.The convolution of the sinc function itself is
_________ .
5.If a signal is real & odd in the time domain,
theFourier Transform is

   _____ .6.Given y(n)=x(2-n)+1,checkwhether the
function is
linear, causual, time invariance, memory.
7.the frequency range of FM radio broadcast is in
b/w___ & ______ .
8.If a signal having 6.5khz is sampled at a rate of
8khz frequency then the aliasing frequency is
   1) 1.5khz  2)6.5khz     3)2.5khz  4)
9.If a 1khz signal has an attenuation of 5db, then
theattenuation of
32khz is
    a)-40db    b) -70db   c) ---- d) non of these
10.which one of the system has stable.
    a) u(n)/n   b) [1/n]**2  c)e**(-3n) d) sin(3n/n)
11.match the following sentences.
    a) bilinear transformation      --- IIR filter
    b) increase in FIR filter     ----- a tan(w/2)
    c)poles in the transfor function  --- poles in
thes- plane eclipse.
    d) frequency, sampling method --- transition
    e) chebyshev responce   -------    ---------- . the 2 signals which have the same shape
infrequency & time
    ans: gaussian & impulse responce13.For sin(nwt) to
be periodic, 'n'
must be
    a)rational b) any number c) irrational14. given
H(s) =s/(s+a).It
     a) LPF   b) HPF   C) BPF   D)  ---- .
                      SECTION-B            (12*1=12)
1.-32768  can be represented in 16 bit binary as
__________ .
2.0x80c is right shifted by 2 . then the number
3.if interrupt is enabled while the processor is
working.then the course of    actions that took
    ans:it completes the current instruction &
controlof the processor
         to the  starting address of the
interruptservice routine.
4.why we r selecting DSP processor over
microprocessor.    a)multiple
    b)pipeline processing    c)high clk rate  
5.short int *y ,*(*y) represents ________ .      
6.find the value of s+= x+(y>>2) . given
s=0x100,x=0x50,y=0x20.   then
7. advantage of pipelining ?8.the transfer function of
a system is
invertable if
   a)both poles & 0's outside the unit circle
   b) if both poles & 0's inside the unit circle.
   c)poles inside , 0's ouside of the unit circle.
   d)poles outside, o's inside of the unit circle.
9)OSI reference model consists of _____ layers.
10.FAX/EMAIL/---  can be sent through PSDN modem.
     state whether it is true or false.11.the 2's
complete range is
    ans:-128 to +12712.arithmatic left shift of ox200F
results  ______
       * bits on Random process.                
1.what is adaptive filter? where we can use
2.what is the F.T of rectangle?3.what is the
convolution of 2
4.if we replace a flipflop with a latch.what
willhappen?     ans:racing
problem a irregular counter.6.F.T or Z transform of
7.questions on randaom process PLC(programmable logic counter) with micro
processor in economic point of view.
9. realize filter for {1,1,2}. and realize it?
10.0.8+j0.2 is one of the roots of FIR filter. what
rthe other roots?
11.  a)y(n)=x(n) + x(n-1) + 10**36 x(n-2)+ ---     b)
   In the above which one is stable?    ans:a
12.for designing IIR filter, which method is best?
13.what is aliasing? & sampling?
14.where the fourier series(F.S)  & F.T  were used?
15.write equations for F.S & F.T.16.where the laplace
transform is
used? F.T why e**(-jwnt) is used?    this question was
asked in bel crl
also. of butterworth , chebyshev &
ellipticfilters? which filter the transition width is lower?
20.why linear phase condition will be assumed in DSP?
21.if all poles & 0's in the left half of the s-plane,
it is called
____ .
22.FFT ,DFT formulae.23. what is the difference b/w
& impulse invariant transformation? which is
mostlyused? & why?
         *they mainly concentrated on filters.   
                    BEST OF LUCK

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