Friday, May 6, 2011


hi friends
     here is the model of the test paper of amdocs
. it may not give a clear picture but it helps.
There was just an aptitide cum language test and an
interview ....believe no-great-shakes at all. Well,
the test was not written, but online....with 5 tests
each timed, here are the type of questions:

The first one was about 36 questions-20 mins:

There were different symbols and various inputs and
outputs across the symbols & analyzing the input &
output, we have to figure out what each symbol does.
There would be a set of 4 questions based on these

   LMN-->             XY-->|
        |                  |
        |                  |
        |                  |
        |                  |
        |-->LNM            |--->XYY

Like in the above figure(crude attempt!), @
interchanges the last 2 letters & $ repeats the last
letter....generally it involved 2 more symbols.

There would be 4 questions like:

1) DFS--->@-->@--->$--->
   4 different ouputs would be given to select

   Different symbol sequences are given & the correct
alternative that produces the output obviously had to
be selected.

The next set of 4 questions had different
interpretation for the symbols.

The second also an analytical test, 36 questions-20

Different symbols that represented filters were given
& their functioning if they worked & if they didn't
were also given, we had to study them & then proceed
with the test..the filters description were always
present on the we didn't have to memorize
anything. There were some 8-10 different filters, I Filter A would filter out orange &
yellow colours if functioning well or allow all
colours to pass if it is erroneous.

The questions had an input & 4 filters & final of the filters is not functioning well,
we had to find which was the faulty filter.

The third test was also 36 questions -20mins

Here, there is an input which goes through a flowchart
(thus involving process, decision making) & we had to
determine the output. The input may be a big or small,
round or square and red or yellow figure...thus there
could be 8 different of these were sent
through a series of steps wherein (say)...the shape &
colour is changed, then the intermediate output is
compared with a given state..if it matches, it goes
through a set of steps...if not a different....after a
few number of such processes &  decisions, the output
had to be selected & all the 8 different outputs were
given as choice.

The 4th test was for 9 mins-60 questions...this was
the easiest of the was basically just
comparing the given string of characters with differnt
options to find the exact match.

1) (FY%{o) 2) (FY%}o)  3) (FY%{O)     4) (FY${o)

Finally, the language test where they gave 1 and a 1/2
hour to study a language & answer the
questions(20)...the language is similar to C &
Pascal....very simple(no pointers)...questions with
lines of code missing & determine the missing line of
the given options....easy ones based on fibonacci &
the like.

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