Friday, May 6, 2011


Setion I ( 25 ques 30 mins apttitude type)

1. There  were four questions based on the data   .
5.Five students  has appeared for the test on Calculus.The lowest
score was 0, and the highest score was 100.aparna ,rahul rohit,shijit,
shana.Shahana got 8 more marks  than Aparna, Shigit got 2 more marks
than aparna, rohit got 3/2  of rohit or 10 more than aaparna.The
second highest
score was 89.What were the score of each students.
6.A+B=C+D;A+C=B+D ;2A>B+D;2C<B+D; Find the arrangements  of the
e.g:A>B>C>D>  etc and all.
7.MBC=(BE)2; where M,B,C,E represent different numbers What does M
8.There was a question on number series.

       20  ? 15
                  0  18 11

Five questions were on data sufficiencies all of them I can^Òt recall
the ones
can remember  I have written them.
A) The first condition is sufficient and the second condition is not
B) The second condition is sufficient and the first condition is not
C) Both the conditions are necessary but alone is not sufficient
D) Both the conds. Are necessary and any one alone is sufficient
E) Insufficient conditions
10.X =Y;
a)X2-Y2=0 is the sufficient conditions
b)X-Y =0 is the sufficient condition

11.28 bananas  and  35 orange scost Rs 84.After a deduction of 10 % Rs
12 can
buy 4 bananas and 5 oranges.Find the cost of each items.

12 The distance between two pts  is 335 kms.A car starts from a point
A towards
B with a speed of 65 km/hr at 8.00 am.Another car started from B
towards A at
9.00 am at a speed of 70km/hr.When will they meet  each other.
a)11.00 am(ans) b)11.30am c)12.00 pm d)1.00 pm e)10.30 am

A,B,C,D,E are travelling  in a car.Three of them are drivers.there is
couple,B is wife of D and is a Driver. A is the brother of D .Of them
only one
lady can drive.A drove for a while followed by A and then by E.

24.Which among of the following pairs are brothers,

25.Which is the other lady present there?
a)B b)A c)D d)C(ans) e)E

Four question were based on the logical reasining.given below:
There are six inverted cups below which there are one ball each under
cup.colored by solid colours.-red,orange
arrangements was such that one can tell which ball is under a
cup.The green ball was under the 5thcup,
The purple ball at a number lower than the orange ball.the red ball
and magenta
ball are kept side by side.

16.Find the arrangement of the balls
(I don^Òt remember the other options  but the correct pattern
consisits of
green and orange at the last)

17.Which ball is under the 6th cup?

21.In a clock how many times does the hands of a clock are at right
angle in a
Ans(44 times)

23.A man said to a woman ^ÓYour brother^Òs son^Òs sister is my wife^Ô
What is
the relation between the man and the lady?

Those who qualified from section I were shortlisted to sit for the
second test
on techinal questions.The second test consists of two parts Section I
of Only Operating system and the Section II consists of only Cand C++

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