Friday, May 6, 2011

Infosys Placement Paper Aptitude Test

1. my sons age in weeks is same as that of my grandson's age in days. my
age in year is same as that of my grandson's age in months. sum of our
ages is 120.
what is my age ?
ans: 72years. please check the values ans is ok.

2. i have five letters and five envelopes with adresses on them. what is
the probabilty that my 4 letters are in right envelops.
ans: 0.

3. what is the time after midnight is nine times the time before midnoon
in minutes.
ans: 10:48 am.

4. a painter paints the floor of dimension 12ft*10ft in one hour. what
time it will take if the dimensions r doubled.
ans: 4hrs. question on tea, coffee and cola.............
ans: half. and twice.

6. Sally and Sue have a strong desire to date Sam. They all ion
truthfully. If I tell you that Sam's number is less than Sue's or
a decides to visit. When she gets there, she finds out she is wrong. This
is not surprising, considering Sam answered only the second question
truthfully. Sue, unaware of Sally's conversation, asks Sam two questions.
Sue asks "Is your house number a perfect cube?". He answers. She then
"Is it greater than 25?". He answers again. Sue thinks she knows where
lives and decides to pay him a visit. She too is mistaken as Sam once
again answered only the second question truthfully. If I tell you that
Sam's number is less than Sue's or Sally's, and that the sum of their
numbers is a perfect square multiplied by two, you should be able to
figure out where all three of them live
ans:55, 64, 81.

7. an artist has seven paintings T,U,V,X,W,Y,Z. he has to put 5 paintings
in the exhibition:
- when T is choosen X is not choosen.
- when V is choosen X must be choosen.
- when U is choosen Y must be choosen.
a, which of the following is fisible combination.
ans:   UVXYZ.
b, if Z is not included then which should not be selected.
ans: T.
c, if X is choosen then which should not be selected?
ans: T.
d, don't remember.........
ans: T.

8. one question on game was given. three teams A,B,C were there. each got
two points on a win and one point on a draw. some combination was given
and we were to find the final score and goal made by each.....
later, it was asked who played and won: also goal made by each team was
asked........table was also given.

9. one question on quite tough but answer is:
ans: B, D.

10. very long question and quite tough to remember
a, compass was there in outhouse at 1pm and much more....

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